Monday, November 24, 2008

On the move...AGAIN!

So, I'll keep this as short and sweet as possible, maybe without the sweetness and a dash of sarcasm. We are moving into TLF next week and eventually into a new house on base. It is amazing how just a few key people can be so ignorant and cause such irrelevant problems. Some of you know our situation, some of you don't; I'm not going to waste my time getting into any details because it's the holidays and I am trying to have a thankful heart. Having said that, I doubt any blog updates will be made until sometime after the new year.
We hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Off to pack...CHEERS!


Jeff, Jac, Marshall and Taylor said...

Good luck with the move, I can't imagine doing it again for a really long time. Twice in three months was enough for me.
Marshall got his first deer on Sat. The day after his 17th birthday. He was pretty excited, but had a hard time with the smell. I don't think he will be the mighty hunter his dad is.
You guys have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well.
Jac :)

Lisa said...

no way! i hope to one day hear this story. good luck with everything. i hope it's a smooth transition for all.

The Little's said...

I'm so sorry. Moving is such a pain in the butt I can't even imagine! I hope it all goes well and I hope your holidays are blessed. I, too, hope to hear what happened!

Anonymous said...

Ah, yeah, wanna hear the story. I am always up for a good "the air force is stupid" story!!! Hope you get through the holidays ok. Take care