Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Great Wolf Lodge Grapevine

Wow, what a place! They definitely got the kid friendly idea perfected. Indoor waterpark, bedtime story at the clock tower, Magiquest interactive game, candy shop, and arcade. The lodge scored big points with me by having a Starbucks on location, it helped ease the pain of enduring the waterpark for 4 days. While we were there they evacuated the entire hotel down into the waterpark level and stairwells for a tornado warning, ahhh the smell of hundreds of chlorine drenched bodies squeezed together, good times. If you look close, in the first picture you can see the bucket that dumps 1,000 gallons of water every 10 minutes. Rachel got her picture taken with Wylie, after the bedtime story. Highly recommended hotel, no need to stay any longer than a couple of days. After Sea World and Great Wolf, I'm good to go with anything to do with water. Next stop, the ranch, also known as Pawpaw and Nana's.