Sunday, June 28, 2009

I-10 East Homeward Bound

After being away from home for 3 weeks it was time to head back to MS. To make the drive more interesting than it already is we added 2 extra passengers, our nephews, Luke and Jacob. They wanted to come stay with us a few days and their right of passage was enduring a 9 hour drive with all of us, good memories. I think they will prefer to fly next time, hahaha. We have driven from MS to TX and back a few times now and I think this drive's scenery is so boring. I like to call it the Tree Tunnel drive, because on both sides of the highway is solid trees for hours, with an occasional bridge. Our passengers look like they are totally interested in the scenic drive too, don't ya think? Our aquarium made it home safely and is in our garage awaiting final touch ups. I will post more pictures once we get it set up in the house.