Friday, December 11, 2009

45th Christmas Party

I missed our squadron Christmas party again, last year I was at my brother's wedding and this year Jason sent me out of town. The theme was NERDY. While Jason was taking me to the airport and I knew he would be going solo to the party, I told him he should go as the BULLY. I think the pictures speak for themselves but he nailed the bully look complete with tattoos, piercings, and even a Mohawk. I knew as soon as the kids saw him dressed like this I would be getting a phone call. Rachel called to tell on her daddy for piercing his ear and wearing tattoos. Jason explained to them that he was going to a "joke party" and then they thought it was funny.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to run into you in a dark alley. No seriously, even in a light alley... John