Sunday, December 9, 2007

30 Club

Jason managed to pull off a pretty big surprise birthday party for me, totally impressed. It was just what this Texas girl needed: Dinner at TX Roadhouse with awesome friends (even though none of you are from TX...hahaha) and to top it off I was made to sit on a saddle while everyone sang happy birthday. THANKS for that totally embarassing moment! The only thing that could have made the night any better was TX weather, I know, wishful thinking.


Dana said...

Hi there!

I randomly found your blog because we share some of the same interests.

Based on those, I think you would be interested in my blog, about women's health and fitness.

It's updated every day throughout the week with tips and tricks to manage life nutritiously and healthy for the average busy woman on a budget.

Hope to see you reading on the site soon!

- Dana

Becky said...

Thanks for sharing the big 30 with us!